currently in beta. we would love your feedback: [email protected]

Welcome to SecondMind

Building a digital reflection of your mind

Philosophical Questions

Answer thought-provoking philosophical and moral questions to train your second brain with your unique perspective and values.

Start Answering

Direct Input

Add personal facts, values, and experiences directly to help train your second mind with specific information about yourself.

Add Personal Input

Your Second Mind

Ask questions to your second brain and receive advice that reflect your own moral framework and thought patterns.

Talk to Your Second Mind

How It Works


Answer Questions & Add Inputs

Respond to philosophical questions and directly add personal facts, values, and preferences.


Train Your Second Mind

Over time, the system learns how you think and what you value, creating a digital reflection.


Ask Your Second Mind

Receive advice for difficult questions that reflect your own values and thought patterns.

Your data is private and protected. We use advanced encryption and anonymous IDs to ensure your privacy.